Factor 1: Education

Education    With Job Offer Without Job Offer
Master's level or PhD from a graduate school of a college or university, after completion of a Bachelor's or Master's degree. 15 15
Post-secondary academic degree (Bachelor) from a college or that required at least three years of full-time study 12 12
Post-secondary diploma in a specific trade that required at least two years of full-time study after secondary school 10 10
Completion of secondary school 0 0
Maximum Points 15 15

Factor 2: Language Skills

Language ability Express Entry with Job Offer Express Entry no Job Offer
CLB/NCLC 10 20 20
CLB/NCLC 9 20 20
CLB/NCLC 8 15 15
CLB/NCLC 7 10 10
below CLB/NCLC 7 0 0
Maximum Points 20 20

Factor 3: Work Experience

Work Experience Express Entry with Job Offer Express Entry no Job Offer
More than 6 years 15 20
4-6 years 15 15
2-4 years 10 10
1-2 years 5 5
Maximum Points 15 20

Factor 4: Age

Age    Express Entry with Job Offer Express Entry no Job Offer
18-24 7 7
25-29 20 20
30-44 15 15
45-49 10 10
Over 49 0 0
Maximum Points 20 20

Factor 5: Arranged Employment

Employment With Job Offer Without Job Offer
Working in PEI on a valid work permit
Job offer in PEI related to education
Foreign qualification verified with the regulated body in PEI.  This is not an ECA.
At least 1 year continuous full-time work experience in PEI
Maximum Points 15 10

Factor 6: Adaptability

Adaptability  With Job Offer Without Job Offer
Currently have close family member(s) living in PEI for at least 12 consecutive months who are permanent residents or Canadian citizens 5 5
Spouse/common-law partner and/or dependent
child(ren) have a language ability of CLB/NCLC 6or
higher in English or French
5 5
Currently own residential property in PEI for at least12
consecutive months
5 5
Graduated from a recognized PEI post-secondary
5 5
Spouse/common-law partner has at least 3 yearsof
work experience in the last 5 years
5 5
Dependent child(ren) have been enrolled in a PEI
educational institution for at least 6 continuous months
5 5
Maximum points 15 15
Your Score 0


This calculator is provided solely for guidance and tentative calculation purposes. We do not provide any assurance for its accuracy. Please note that individual circumstances may impact your final scores. It is advisable to consult relevant authorities or professionals for precise evaluations.